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Safe fun in the summer sun

School’s out and summer is here—which means many families are heading outdoors for fun and adventure. But summer can also bring risks. Some simple precautions can make sure everyone stays safe and happy over the next few months. Encourage your employees to keep these tips in mind—especially for their children:

  • Fireworks: Watch community displays run by professionals. Even “safe and sane” fireworks can cause serious burns.
  • Bug bites: Use repellants containing DEET (for children 2 months and older). Also, wear a hat when in the woods or long grass to keep ticks away. Remember: Bugs love sweet smells. So avoid perfumes, scented body lotions and hairsprays when you go somewhere buggy.
  • Parks: Inspect the local playground before sending your kids to swing and climb. Look for loose equipment or missing parts, make sure there’s padding on the ground, and don’t let children play there barefoot.
  • Bikes: Helmets, helmets, helmets! Ensure your helmet meets safety standards and will still be effective in a crash. Be a role model for children and teach your whole family the rules of the road.
  • Skateboards and scooters: Protective gear is vital. Ride only in designated areas—and never go faster than skill allows.
  • Trampolines: No matter how fun they seem, trampolines can be dangerous. Supervise children, and let only one person jump at a time. 75% of trampoline injuries occur when multiple people are jumping at a time.*
  • Sun: Use sunscreen—even on cloudy days. And remember that sunburns happen more quickly when you’re on the water.
  • Heat: Hydrate frequently, take breaks, and never leave kids or pets in the car, no matter how quickly you think you’ll be back.
  • Water: Everyone needs a life jacket, no one should swim alone, and children MUST be supervised.
  • Get the full list of safety tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
